I decided that no people should appear in these lists, because I don't have enough time to write about all of that. The hardest thing about leaving the States was knowing I would miss out on time with you guys...we will have to do lots of catching up this August!
And without further ado...
Things I Miss
1) TB & J

In the WG, I still live in a 132 square foot room, but alone! This has made getting to know my WG-mates a slow process. I miss the bear hugs and intimate bedtime conversations...aren't those supposed to come standard in any room-sharing relationship?
2) Cars
Time to change gears...NOT! Because I don't have a car. I have no bike, no scooter, not even those shoes with little wheels on the bottom! I have to walk everywhere and step by step I am going crazy!
But seriously, a bike would be nice...maybe I'll hit up eBay.
3) Being Busy
Sure, work keeps me busy from 9-17. But after that, my schedule is as clear as the control column of a 96 well-plate running an LDH assay. Jens and Tobias usually aren't back from the Uni yet, so I usually resort to one of my recent hobbies: walking around and getting lost. Slowly I am getting familiar with the town, so even that has lost some of its jazz.
To solve this I am trying to get involved with weekly activities. This is promising, but in a new place it takes a while to get the (soccer) ball rolling. Soon I expect to be playing Fußball twice a week (once with co-workers, once with friends). If I can manage to wake up on time, I'd also like to go to church and maybe join a youth group. Furthermore, I also am contacting local Tanzschulen, which brings me to my last item:
4) Dancing
I love to get my groove on, and even though there are plenty of opportunities around here to funk your trunk, whenever I step off the parquet it beckons me to return.
Thankfully, last month was not a total departure from dancing; i did learn a few steps, and am proud to present...
Song: "Can't get enough of your love" by Barry White
Döner Kebab...a Berlinish-Turkish delicacy that is sooo good (comparable to a Gyro).And now for a pictorial list of items that keep me sane...because I'm not spending all of my time moping around, for the most part I am stoked up on the fact that I'm in Germany and livin' it up!

The Fraunhofer Institute of Biomedical Technology in St Ingbert...it's coo'.
That does it for my lists...and by the way, if anyone has cooking or room-decorating tips HELP ME PLEASE!
ReplyDeletethanks for the comment. I liked your disofoxy. Looks kind of like a swing/hustle. Hopefully I'll learn that too when I'm in Germany!